Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.
– Albert Einstein
In the post dated 16th February 2009, I had given a free response practice question involving Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetism for AP Physics B aspirants. As promised, I give below the answer along with the question:
A cart carries a block of mass m1 which is connected to a soft iron cylinder of mass m2 using an inextensible string of negligible mass passing over a light frictionless pulley as shown in the adjoining figure. The soft iron cylinder is suspended vertically with its lower end inside a current carrying coil fixed to the cart. The cylinder and the coil are coaxial and their vertical sides touch each other without any friction between them. The current carrying coil exerts a magnetic force of constant magnitude f2 on the soft iron cylinder and the entire system consisting of the cart of mass M (with the current carrying coil), and the connected masses m1 and m2 are moving with a constant acceleration ‘a’ in the positive x-direction under the action of a constant force F (fig.) in the same direction. There is no friction between the cart and the block m1 and the block and the cylinder are at rest relative to the cart during the accelerated motion of the cart. Assume that g = 10 ms–2.
Now answer the following:
(a) Write an expression for the acceleration ‘a’ of the cart in terms of the net force on the cart and the masses involved
(b) If m1 = 11 kg, m2 = 1 kg and a = g/10 calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force f2 on the cylinder.
(c) If the current in the coil were in the opposite direction, will the direction of the magnetic force change? Justify your answer.
(d) If a cylindrical permanent magnet were used instead of the soft iron cylinder will your answer for part (c) be different? Justify your answer.
(a) The net force on the cart is F itself and the total mass moved is M+ m1+ m2. Therefore the acceleration a of the cart is given by
a = F/( M+ m1+ m2)
(b) The magnetic force on the soft iron cylinder is attractive since it will become a temporary magnet in the magnetic field produced by the coil, with the nearer end of the cylinder acquiring opposite polarity (compared to the polarity of the nearer end of the coil). The total downward force on the soft iron cylinder is therefore m2g + f2. Therefore we have
m2g + f2 = T where T is the tension in the string.
The inertial force on m1 is m1a so that we have
m1a = T
The above equations give m2g + f2 = m1a from which
f2 = m1a – m2g = 11×(g/10) – 1×g = 0.1 g = 0.1× 10 =1 N.
(c) The magnetic force on the soft iron cylinder is always attractive (irrespective of the direction of the current) since it will become a temporary magnet in the magnetic field produced by the coil, with the nearer end of the cylinder acquiring opposite polarity (compared to the polarity of the nearer end of the coil). So the direction of the magnetic force is unchanged when the direction of the current is reversed.
(d) If a permanent magnet is used instead of the soft iron cylinder, the direction of the magnetic force will be reversed on reversing the direction of the current in the coil. This is due to the fact that the magnetic polarity of the nearer end of the cylinder (permanent magnet) is fixed where as the magnetic polarity of the nearer end of the current carrying coil changes on reversing the current.
Part (c) of the above question can be made a little more
(c) If the current in the coil were in the opposite direction, will the force F applied on the cart be the same or different for keeping the masses m1 and m2 at rest relative to the cart?
Justify your answer.
Since the magnetic force on the soft iron cylinder is unchanged, the force F applied on the cart will be unchanged.
A cart carries a block of mass m1 which is connected to a soft iron cylinder of mass m2 using an inxtensible string of negligible mass passing over a light frictionless pulley as shown in the adjoining figure. The soft iron cylinder is suspended vertically with its lower end inside a current carrying coil fixed to the cart. The cylinder and the coil are coaxial and their vertical sides touch each other without any friction between them. The current carrying coil exerts a magnetic force of constant magnitude f2 on the soft iron cylinder and the entire system consisting of the cart of mass M (with the current carrying coil), and the connected masses m1 and m2 are moving with a constant acceleration ‘a’ in the positive x-direction under the action of a constant force F (fig.) in the same direction. There is no friction between the cart and the block m1 and the block and the cylinder are at rest relative to the cart during the accelerated motion of the cart. Assume that g = 10 ms–2.
Now answer the following:
(a) Write an expression for the acceleration ‘a’ of the cart in terms of the net force on the cart and the masses involved
(b) If m1 = 11 kg, m2 = 1 kg and a = g/10 calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force f2 on the cylinder.
(c) If the current in the coil were in the opposite direction, will the direction of the magnetic force change? Justify your answer.
(d) If a cylindrical permanent magnet were used instead of the soft iron cylinder will your answer for part (c) be different? Justify your answer.
Try to answer this question which carries 15 points. You may take 15 minutes for answering this. I’ll be back soon with a model answer for you.
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives”
– Albert Einstein
As promised in the last post dated 6th February 2009, I give below a few multiple choice practice questions on
(1) A soft iron rod has its length increased by 0.3% on increasing its
(a) 0.3%
(b) – 0.3%
(c) 0%
(d) 0.6%
(e) –0.6%
The radius of the hole will increase by 0.3% and hence the area of the hole will increase by 0.6%.
[The area A = πR2 where R is the radius. Therefore, ∆A/A =2 ∆R/R. The fractional change in area is equal to twice the fractional change in radius. Therefore, the percentage change in area is equal to twice the percentage change in radius].
(2) The
(a) 32º C
(b) 100º C
(c) 120º C
(d) 142º C
(e) 160º C
We have tC/100 = (tF – 32) /180.
[This can be remembered as tC = (5/9)(tF – 32)]
Here tC = t and tF = 2t so that t/100 = (2t– 32) /180.
Or, 9t = 10t– 160 from which t = 160.
Therefore, the
(3) A copper rod and a steel rod are to have lengths Lc and Ls such that the difference between their lengths is the same at all ambient
(a) Lc/Ls = αc/αs
(b) Lc – Ls = αc – αs
(c) Lc/Ls = αs/αc
(d) Lc/Ls = (αc/αs)1/2
(e) Lc/Ls = (αc/αs)–1/2
The changes in length must be equal on heating (or cooling) so that we have
Lc αc ∆T = Ls αs ∆T
This gives Lc/Ls = αs/αc
(4) Four identical brass rods AB, BC, CD and DA are joined to form a square (fig). If the diagonally opposite corners A and C are kept in melting ice and boiling water respectively what is the
(a) 50º C
(b) 100º C
(c) 25º C
(d) 75º C
(e) 0º C
The corners B and D will be at the same
(5) Thermal conductivity of metal A is three times the thermal conductivity of metal B. Two rods of the same dimensions made of metals A and B are joined end to end (fig.). The free end of A is maintained at 0º C and that of of B is maintained at 100º C. The
(a) 25º C
(b) 33.3º C
(c) 66.6º C
(d) 75º C
(e) 90º C
In the steady state the quantity of heat flowing through B per second will be equal to that flowing through A per second. If the
kA(100 – t)/L = 3kA(t – 0)/L where A is the area of cross section, L is the length, k is the thermal conductivity of B and therefore 3k is the thermal conductivity of A.
Therefore 100 – t = 3t so that t = 25º C
[Since the rods are of identical dimensions and the thermal conductivity of A is three times that of B, you can easily argue that the
(6) A cup of coffee cools from 65º C to 63º C in one minute in a room of
(a) 2 min.
(b) 2.4 min.
(c) 3.8 min.
(d) 4.5 min
(e) 5.3 min
Since the rate of cooling is directly proportional to the excess of
S(65 – 63)/1 α (64 – 24) and
S(58 – 50)/t α (54 – 24)
where S is the heat capacity (thermal capacity) of the cup of coffee (which is the heat required to raise the temperature through 1K) and t is the time required to cool from 58º C to 50º C. Note that we have used the average
On dividing, 2t/8 = 40/30 from which t = 5.3 min (nearly)
Here are the
(1) Temperature tC in Celsius scale can be converted to temperature tF in Fahrenheit scale using the relation
tC/100 = (tF – 32) /180
Remember that the ice point and steam point of water are 32º F and 212º F respectively in the Fahrenheit scale. These
(2) Temperature tC in Celsius scale can be converted to temperature tK in Kelvin scale (absolute scale) using the relation
tC/100 = (tK – 273.15) /100
so that tC = tK – 273.15 or, tK = tC + 273.15.
Often the above relation is written as tK = tC + 273 very nearly.
The above equation follows from the fact that the ice point and steam point of water are 273.15 K and 373.15 K respectively in the Kelvin scale.
A temperature difference of 1º in the Kelvin scale is equal to a temperature difference of 1º in the Celsius scale.
(3) The increase in length (∆ℓ) of a solid on raising its
∆ℓ = α ℓo ∆T where α is the coefficient of linear expansion (linear expansivity) and ℓo is the original length.
(4) The increase in area (∆A) of a solid on raising its
∆A = β Ao ∆T where β is the coefficient of area expansion (area expansivity) and Ao is the original area.
In the case of isotropic homogeneous solids β = 2α
(5) The increase in volume (∆V) of a solid on raising its
∆V = γVo ∆T where γ is the coefficient of volume expansion (volume expansivity) and Vo is the original volume.
In the case of isotropic homogeneous solids γ = 3α
(6) Specific heat capacity (specific heat) C of a substance is the quantity of heat absorbed or rejected by 1 kg of the substance to change the
Therefore, the heat involved in changing the
(7) Molar specific heat of a substance is the quantity of heat absorbed or rejected by 1 mole of the substance to change the
You know that in the case of gases there are two specific heats viz., specific heat at constant volume and specific heat at constant pressure. Similarly there are two molar specific heats viz., molar specific heat at constant volume and molar specific heat at constant pressure. In this context you will find a useful post here.
(8) Heat transfer takes place by three processes viz., conduction, convection and Radiation.
The quantity of heat Q conducted in a time t through a uniform rod of length L and area of cross section A when the ends of the rod are maintained at a temperature difference ∆T is given by
Q = KA (∆T/L) t where K is the thermal conductivity of the material of the rod
[The temperature gradient ∆T/L is often written as ∆T/∆x, replacing L by ∆x, which will be more appropriate in the case of heat conduction through slabs of thickness ∆x].
The rate of transfer of heat by conduction (time rate), H is given by
H = Q/t = KA ∆T/L
According to Stefan’s law the energy (E) radiated per second per unit surface area of a perfectly black body is directly proportional to the 4th power of the absolute temperature of the body:
E α T4
Or, E = σT4 where σ is Stefan’s constant.
So if the temperature is doubled, the energy radiated from the body will become 16 times.
dQ/dt α (T2 – T1) where dQ is the heat lost in a time dt when the temperatures of the body and the surroundings are respectively T2 and T1.
Note that the loss of heat mentioned in